Returned Items

#1 Returned Items


In this tab it is possible to view the list of those items which were returned by the subcontractor, that is the lines that have produced a subcontractor order lines execution.

This tab is made up of a grid and of other 2 “subtabs” called “Item” and “Lots/SN”. The column in the grid are the following:

  1. Class/Item Code/Item Description/Variant: through these columns it is possible to view class, code, description and variant of the item that is inserted in the subcontractor return
  2. Option: through this column it is possible to view the item line option
  3. Phase / Subphase: through these columns it is possible to view the phase and subphase production phase code of the production order to which the item is linked; this can be happened in case that the subcontractor order executed with this return line has been generated by an external production order phase
  4. UM: through this column it is possible to view the operational unit of measure of the returned item
  5. UM Use: through this column it is possible to view the usage unit of measure of the returned item
  6. Ordered Quantity: through this column it is possible to view the quantity that was inserted as quantity to be produced in the subcontractor order line from which the return line has been generated. It is a read only column obviously
  7. Returned Quantity: through this column it is possible to view the quantity that has been returned with this subcontractor return line. The column can be edited by user
  8. Residual Quantity: through this column it is possible to view the residual quantity of the subcontractor order line from which the return line has been generated. In case that it is equal to zero means that the subcontractor order line has been completely executed.
  9. Unit Price Working: through this column it is possible to view the unit price working that comes directly from the subcontractor order line from which the return line has been generated. The column can be edited by user
  10. Value: through this column it is possible to view the total working value that is returning. It is a visualization column and corresponds to the multiplication of the Returned Quantity and Unit Price Working column values
  11. Alt. UM: through this column it is possible to view the alternative unit of measure of the returned item, that can be edited by user
  12. Alternative Quantity: through this colum it is possible to view the quantity that can be expressed in the alternative item unit of measure
  13. Balance: through this column it is possible to view a flag. If active it enables the user to perform the forced execution of the related subcontractor order line
  14. Warehouse for Return: through this column it is possible to view the warehouse code on which the subcontractor goods return. The warehouse code is the same as that of the subcontractor order line, which has been executed with this return line, but that can be edited by user. In case that a specific Return Type with a different warehouse has been inserted, the return type warehouse template is proposed, only if the “Consider warehouses according to return delivery note type” flag, which is in Subcontractor Parameters, is active.
  15. Return Template: through this column it is possible to view the warehouse template code that will be used in order to load the item on warehouse on which the goods return from the subcontractor. The warehouse template code is the same as the code set in the subcontractor order line, which has been executed through this return line and which can be edited by user. In case that a specific Return Type with a different warehouse has been inserted, the return type warehouse template is proposed, only if the “Consider warehouses according to return delivery note type” flag, which is in Subcontractor Parameters, is active.
  16. Order / Year: through this column it is possible to view the subcontractor order number and year from which the return line has been generated
  17. Variant Description: through this column it is possible to view the returned item variant description
  18. Option Description: through this column it is possible to view the item line option description
  19. Warehouse Description: through this column it is possible to view the warehouse description inserted in item line
  20. Template Description: through this column it is possible to view the warehouse template description inserted in item line

As said before in this tab there are 2 “subtab” within which some information related to the selected grid line are managed.

BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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